Monday, January 28, 2013


well, its been quite while since i last posted something here. been quite busy with Australia. its been such a pleasure to stay here. sadly im flying again soon.. not back to Brunei, yet. instead i'll be heading to Singapore. Anyways, i've been out sight seeing and did a lil shopping spree which was of course fun for me. been eating the food here an of course drinking my boost knowing it wont be available back in Brunei. :( other than helping my sister, been watching alot of Korean series. its been crazy. definitely will miss the internet and the phone service here. remembering the fact brunei has the opposite service for internet and phone, its so sad. hahaha. oh well. other than that, of course, recently, Australia's been experiencing alot on weather issues. huhu.. fingers crossed on this here.. and to everyone, STAY SAFE. i had just went out yesterday and experienced the strong gust of wind and it is just..strong. scary part is that when i got home to injure this toe here. but today, its better than yesterday. to wake up to a quite sunny morning is a relief. though the wind is still here and was predicted to rain again, i cannot really predict what is going on because the weather is really unpredictable here. but it is expected for these few days, we've to bear with it. its scary yet quite an adventure.. results of this story will be updated soon. very soon. talking about results, it has come to my attention that the SMS for students is now available indicating results will be out soon. not sure how soon, but soon. so, im going to register later. nerve wracking SMS is about to be sent to me soon. huhu.. other than that, in preparation for my college, i've been checking out on things, and i'm not sure if this is the right time to say it, but i may have found my path. i'm looking forward to be working with more new friends, new teachers as well. Nevertheless, everything that has happened in SGS, will never be forgotten. i will have to visit there as soon as i get back to Brunei especially hearing now that Babu is back in the canteen. For those who might not know, Babu, as we call her, has the best food and of course, ABC and Teh Tarik. will definitely see her when i get back to Brunei. oh well, i guess thats it. i'll be posting more after this after i can re call what needs to be posted here. :) till then, much love.xx

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