Monday, September 7, 2015

Reflection (Mimie)

In the number of stars reflecting the days since we met,
Short but forever but short that is cruel,
In ways of describing the gift I received without regret,
To profess to You, who denies the beauty within out, like a fool,

The sea blows with the wind's breeze,
Causing a storm, a fall, the coldness that makes me freeze,
But there You came like a rising sun shining through,
Clearing up the skies and seas to be blue,

Though the color of blue seems sad,
Rewinding, Rewinding, Rewinding to the day back when we first met,
Was the sun that came from the East that made me glad,
Happy to see it set to the West, just like how meeting You was just right; no regrets

The flow of the rain causes me to pray,
Hoping God would save me from the past,
Again, Again, Again, there You came with open arms chasing away the clouds that are grey,
Pulling me up, Pushing me forward, with open ears and eye opener, taking me back to my best,

With the best on top,
With You I start smiling,
The friendship that ties us, I pray it won't stop,
Despite some days feeling I'm a rock on Your shoulders that won't stop piling

The mirror lies to You calling You ugly,
When the real mirror is us who sees Your true beauty,
You believing the mirror that describes nothing but fantasy,
I'd prefer You to look at us and accept the beauty in you is the reality,

Thoughts at nights, thoughts at days, at this time,
Listening to Chivalry is Dead by Trevor Wesley,
Writing about how You're a dime,
But at the same time You're crazy,

Short but forever is the wish for this friendship,
Permanence between us is what I want to keep,
This poem I dedicate to You whom means a lot to me,
To You, Mimie.
