Wednesday, February 4, 2015

alive since.

So I decided to talk in the blog tonight. a lot can be said, but first thing first I can say here, i'm so sorry for not updating. I have been super busy settling down and everything is just going on hectic. So here, first, alhamdulilah, I have survived Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer as of last year but I'll still be going for check ups to get declared clear of cancer after two years. A lot has happened. I would like to express my gratitude although its a lil late but here I am going to express it all. A big giant thanks to my mom, my sisters, my brother and in laws for giving me such a great deal of endless support throughout my battle. A big large thanks to my uncles and aunties who has been giving me and supporting me in giving me endless courage and hope to continue on. An enormous thanks to the doctors and nurses as well as the hospital that has been endlessly giving me medical treatment to let me live. Lastly, a great big deal of thank yous to my friends who has endlessly gave me a big support and hope to keep on fighting. My strength of fighting this whole silent war has been from you. I love you guys.

Ever since I have been settling down back in Brunei, getting back to the school's phase and all. Yes. All this. Till my next post <3