Wednesday, June 18, 2014

NCC Trip.

Bismillah. Assalamualaikum. :) So this will be a big update. As I update everyone about something. Well today I went to NCC (National Cancer Centre) and met up with the doctor from the Oncology Centre. So what is going on now is that I’ll be going for scans tomorrow and Friday. So that they can see where to expose the radiation and all. We even talked about the side effects, where it is said that at a LOW percentage, that in 20-40 years time, it is rare though that another cancer or the same one coming back. Now I really hope this doesn’t come back. Because really, I hope not. Then there was the side effect where at the slightest chance as well that it could hit the spinal cord. And spinal cord is basically well, mostly everything. But, this is rare to happen. Also, I was explained that there will be a slight burn, not really a burn lah, its like getting a tan in the beach. Sore throat chances are most likely. So water is extremely encouraged for as consumption. Some other long term effects were mentioned, but I’ll just write that out of this post.
So as for the radiotherapy, it is expected to be on 1/7. I'm expected to have 17 Sessions (Every week: Monday-Friday). Every time it will be for 10-15 minutes of radiation. So, yeah. Huhu..
I can’t say that I’m not scared. Without a doubt, fear grew within me, but however, this is the test from Allah, and everything comes from Him. I believe that this is the test He has given me and knows I’m capable of going through this InsyaAllah. But insyallah, with patience and strength as well as prayers especially, InsyaAllah, everything will go smoothly. Having posted this, I would like everyone, whoever you are, wherever you are, whenever you can after reading this, help me by praying for the best, pray for all the safety and as well as for this treatment to go smoothly. I really want to get this over and done with. This is the last battle. Hopefully. Amin. Amin. Amin.

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