Friday, December 21, 2012

Skype. Skype.

well, lately, these past few days, i've been skyping with people. like at one time. haha. funny thing was, everyone got excited that we decided to gather via Skype and enjoy ourselves talking about the future and the past and the present. and daus and tini, if you're reading this, :P its your internet. :P haha. why am i blogging this, you might ask? well, its just great to see mostly everyone still in touch after we, well, not officially, but you could call it that, officially, graduated from high school. its funny how time passed in a blink of an eye, when its what? 12 years? 13? its been absolutely a pleasure studying in St. George's school, with the challeges we had to go through but, we made it through all didnt we? will never forget those times, laughing, crying, getting scolded and how we rebelled when there was more ridiculous rules made. it was our final year after all. haha YOLO. to the teachers, thank you so much for giving your time in pushing us and educating us with such knowledge, in not just an educational way, but also in terms of teaching us how to handle life, to discipline us, to help us, guide us throughout the years and journey in SGS. to my class, *sigh* what can i do without you guys? nothing. must admit that our class was really awesome. crazy. literally crazy. to anyone from the class reading this, thanks for making the final year, memorable. to the juniors, well, firstly to the year 10s going to year 11 next year, a big good luck to you for o levels :) spend your time well with your friends, teachers, and also, try to enjoy your final year, alot of stress will be added along the way, but, im sure you'll do well. :) well, looking at what i just typed. the tittle post, has gone out of topic. :P nevertheless. its great topic to be remembered. xx

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