Monday, September 16, 2013

I'm alive!

ASSALAMUALAIKUM to all and a big HELLO TO VIEWERS~ :) I'm so sorry for I've not been updating my blog and life lately, and I finally found the time to do so after.... Well. Months. So anyways, here's what's been going on. Life in PTEM. So far PTEM is awesome, I love it there. I do miss the old SGS, nevertheless. I'm such a crybaby sometimes for missing them. I don't think it's wrong though to miss them. Only god knows. Hmmm Anyways, as most of you know as well, that I'm currently taking Psychology, Sociology, English Literature, as well as English AS. Huhu.. Yup. Haha In PTEM, some friends had been made, and they're super nice as well. :) Of course through the course of 7 months, life had its ups and downs, but hey, I'm still alive right? So a lot has happened, and basically, I'm just still here. There is a lot to update specifically. Hahha, I won't be updating the whole thing here, yet. Haha I'm just here to let people know, that, I, am still alive. :) I don't know if people still actually blog, some has been asking me to actually start a vlog. I'm still considering it. Because, I have some time to record, but not the time to upload. That's the problem. Hahahahah but its still in consideration. So.. I'll probably upload some few photos of the latest happenings nanti. Till then, see yah. Be nice to people. :) xx

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