Friday, August 19, 2011

exams, holidays, netball, royal date, sungkai, terawih, mum's, sister's ashraf's birthday, katyperry.

exams is out, and hols are in! hehe, to all students! happy holidays and selamat hari raya as well as puasa. :)

we've been having our netball practise and is obviously rocked! <3 loved it so much. looking forward to play again girls!

we had our royal date with mash, miz, ziqah. it was incredible. :D loved every moment we had. watched the movie with PMT! :D hehe.

sungkai with them including with rina this time was also awesome, we went for sembahyang terawih where mizah was the imam. :) hehe.

it was my mom's birthday and my sister and my nephew. as usual we spent it with gatherings. :)

lastly, katy perry, :) congrats for getting 5 songs on #1 :))))) we katy cats loveyou!!!

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